Making the Switch is easy with KBP

Employing a professional property manager to take care of your investment property can minimise risk and reduce stress.

Whilst a quality Property Manager should make your life easier, if the agency you have selected is not the right fit, you will likely find that you aren’t completely satisfied. Landlords often feel conflicted when considering changing agencies feeling that it is just another burden they must bear.

The good news is that it can be an easy and KBP can manage the switch from start to finish with very little personal admin required on your part.

Once you decide that it’s time for a change, we will ask you to sign a new management agency agreement providing us authority to act on your behalf. We will then reach out to your current agent and advise them that we will be taking over the management after the required notice period.

Providing notice to your current property manager will be done writing and the notice period is usually located on your current management agency agreement.

We will contact your tenants and make an introduction, putting their minds at ease that their tenancy transition will be seamless and let them know the date that we will be managing the property from as well as the new details for rent payments.

On the date that the management is due to change, we arrange to collect all documents relating to your property and the tenancy as well as any keys that your current agent holds for the property.

After collection of the files and keys, we will contact your tenants via phone and email to talk through important details such as rent paid to dates, confirm contact information, and arrange a routine inspection of the property.

We aim to make changing managing agents a seamless process so that you can get on with other important tasks in your life. If you would like to make the switch, contact Kate today to talk through how we can make investment management easy.


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